Software Installation Ethical Hacking Tutorial-1

 Software Installation

Ethical Hacking


 Software Installation  Ethcial Hacking
 Software Installation  Ethcial Hacking

Hy friends, i hope you all well. Today we are going to start our first tutorial on eithical hacking and the first topic is Software installation. if you are think why i am not give you Introduction about eithical hacking soo friends in previous  two article ( if you not read click here.) I am fully talk about ethical hacking and that is  enough friends their is nothing in introduction you all know well. soo without wasting time let's start talking about Software installation.

 I know you all have idea how to install any software in computer but their are some things you have to know about software installation. Their are many type of OS ( operting system ) like window ,Mac , linux . And i think you all know how to install software in window this is soo simple friends just right click on software file and select install and click on some next next option and finish. you know it( if you don't know msg me on fb) . But do you know how to install software in linux many of you don't know. To become expert in hacking you must have to know about different type of OS.

There are few things you have to care about during software installation.

? Read all term and condition before agree during install.

? Care about location of installing software files.

? Always keep your OS update before install software.

Now come to linux. 

Linux is  manly run on command line. there is no such user interface like window. About linux i am tell in some other article because   this time you can't understand . In linux you have to use comand line to install software. I am give you some comand  to install software in linux just note it i explain it on later.

?For installing  -   apt-get install [package name]

?For Uninstalling - apt-get remove [package name]

?Removing downloading pkg files - apt-get clean

?purge- apt-get purge [pkg name]

?Update apt-get update

friends i know you not understand but belive me when i tell about linux. you all douts are clear. only note the command line.

 software Installing is very simple friends.  You have to not worry about that okk .

If you have any problem than inbox on facebook click here to join our facebook page. Or you can also comment me here. And read my article  HACKING EASY OR HARD to know basic  things to learn ethical  hacking.




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